Infinitely You Coaching
with Maria Harrison

4 weeks of hypnosis sessions for the woman who is ready to envision the life of her dreams.
This package is for the individual who:
has specific goals they want to achieve
wants to access the power of personalized hypnosis and get their subconscious mind on board stat!
is looking for ease and flow in creating a desired outcome (lower stress, more connection with your family, body image, etc.)
wants a scheduled call to get specific on their desired outcomes and relax while receiving hypnosis
wants to create lasting change that feels easy
What's Included:
1-30 min clarity call where we will get clear on your goals and your focus for the next 4 calls
4-60 min hypnosis sessions on zoom
Sign up for 1 payment of $497
** begin your sessions within the next month.
All sessions need to be completed within 2 months of beginning.
About Maria
Maria Harrison is an Empowerment Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Practioner who desires to support women and mother's in living a life filled with love, joy and freedom, whatever that looks like for them!
Maria is a certified teacher of 15 years, a mother to 2 beautiful daughters and a wife to her loving and supportive husband (who probably wants her to stop asking so many questions ;)).
She has always been curious and has been asking "why?" since she could talk and is a life longer learner.
After having her first daughter she began to experience a lot of anxiety and slowly and unknowingly began to detach from who she was. She spent a great deal of time feeling lonely and empty, without an understanding of why. She knew the life she had was beautiful and often felt scared when she dove into gratitude for what she had. How could she feel so lost inside when she was surrounded by so much beauty? Was she deserving of what she had or would it be taken away? She longed to be more present, to stop overanalyzing and to just enjoy life and truly feel the joy that surrounded her.
Maria, who always loved self-development, began to dive in to healing herself from within. It was not a linear journey, but one that had many ups and downs and often stopped and started when busy life "got in the way". It wasn't until the voice got so loud, she decided enough was enough, that things needed to change, she knew she was meant for more than just living inside her head worrying.
Hypnotherapy and NLP were by far the greatest tools that allowed her to finally see results and feel a new sense of freedom fairly quickly. Hypnosis allowed her to relax and have time away from her overthinking mind, while also suggesting uplifting ideas that would serve her. It was a gift she would never forget and one she would later see as a path she too was meant to take.
Maria now uses Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques in her coaching to help women and mothers to feel empowered, find the clarity they are looking for and ultimately travel the road to rediscovering themselves and loving themselves like they never have before.
As mothers we have a beautiful opportunity to lead our children and model strength (which includes vulnerability) and when we truly learn who we are and how to hold space for ourselves we end up giving our children the greatest gift of all, the permission for them to follow suit in loving themselves fully as well.